Category: Uncategorized

Category: Uncategorized

President Kenyatta at the Ivory Burn

Illegal Ivory Almost Always From Recently Killed Elephants

A recent study that appears in this week’s Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reveals that most ivory seized comes from elephants that were killed less than 3 years prior thus debunking the idea that most ivory in circulation is recycled from built up stockpiles. “It shows that ivory is moving through the system fast. Some of the elephants were killed just before their tusks were thrown in the shipping container. That has huge implications for our estimates of the number of… Continue reading.

Avgas Drums Helping the Community to Control Predators

Avgas Drums Helping the Community to Control Predators By Wilson Sairowua, MEP Field Administrator The Avgas (aviation gasoline) fuel drums used by the Mara Elephant Project’s Karen Blixen Camp Ree Park Safari Robinson R44 helicopter are now helping the communities around the Maasai Mara to prevent predators breaking into bomas (livestock enclosures) at night and attacking livestock. According to a report from the Mara North Conservancy compensation scheme, 55% of the livestock kille… Continue reading.
Dr. Lindo Treating Matriarch

Matriarch Helicopter Response Mara Elephant Project received a hotline call from villagers on October 29 about a herd of elephants being threatened by farmers near the Mara River in the Transmara. MEP deployed the Karen Blixen Camp Robinson R44 helicopter with CEO Marc Goss at the controls and two MEP rangers ready for immediate response. When we arrived villagers were shooting the elephants with arrows and chasing after them; we knew this was a serious human-elephant conflict s… Continue reading.