Encanto Elementary School located in San Diego, CA, USA started raising funds for elephant conservation five years ago after a passionate fourth grader named Benjamin (pictured) was preparing his Endangered Elephants poster presentation for an Open House. The more he learned about the plight of elephants the more urgently he felt the need to take action.
Lynn Howard, a science lab teacher at the school, helped these children take action by meeting with Fran Duthie from Elephanat…
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Mara Elephant Project is pleased to announce our latest fundraising and marketing tool, the MEP pamphlet. This pamphlet is perfect reading material for hotel lobbies, lodge coffee tables or your MEP fundraising events. It’s a great introduction to MEP and highlights the crisis we’re facing in the Mara as well as MEP’s approach, all in an easy-to-read, visually exciting way.
“This MEP pamphlet is a great representation of our entire organization and the crisis we’re…
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Earth Day is an environmental movement founded by Earth Day Network with the mission to broaden and diversify the environmental movement worldwide and to mobilize it as the most effective vehicle to build a healthy, sustainable environment, address climate change, and protect the Earth for future generations. The first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970 and Earth Day’s 2017 campaign is environmental and climate literacy.
Mara Elephant Project supports the belief that education is the foundati…
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