Despite the COVID-19 outbreak and its impact on the global economy, Mara Elephant Project is humbled by the support so many passionate individuals have shown to our organization. During a time of increased instability, you have all provided our organization with the stability we need to continue to protect the Mara’s wildlife, communities and habitat.
We must start with a donation of $78,000 from the estate of Mary and Maurice Woulfe. Mary was passionate about conservation and unfortunately…
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The second quarter brought about many challenges for Mara Elephant Project due to the changing landscape in the Mara because of COVID-19. MEP is continuing our strict COVID-19 protocols and they are starting to become the new normal. MEP rangers stationed in the field are making sure to practice proper safety protocols despite their lack of access to running water. Our ranger stations are using a tippy tap and MEP has also built tippy taps for rangers at Mara North Conservancy. Additionally, …
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In 2019, MEP has undertaken more activities than any of the previous years since we started in 2011. The Mara Elephant Project’s growth in 2019 allowed us to increase our scientific capacity and spread the MEP Method: Monitor, Evaluate, Protect. Our expanded areas of operation include the Mau and Loita forests, where teams deployed there, alongside partners Kenya Wildlife Service and Kenya Forest Service, are increasing protection. We believe that protecting these forests is key to the su…
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