Month: July 2021

Month: July 2021

A MEP Team Effort Highlighted in the June Report

On June 16, there was an elephant treatment that truly highlighted the team effort our organization can now put into protecting the wildlife, communities and habitat of the Maasai Mara. The elephant treatment, while routine, highlighted our rangers, long-term monitoring (LTM) team, helicopter and brought everyone together to work alongside our partners to save this elephant (pictured left). We originally received the call from Oloisukut rangers that they spotted a bull elephant with an injury… Continue reading.

MEP 2020 Annual Report

I think I speak for everyone when I say that 2020 was unlike any other year to date in our recent history. Mara Elephant Project was faced with many obstacles; however, our resilience showed through and at the root of that was our exceptional staff. MEP’s rangers worked in increasingly difficult situations, combatting a rise in bushmeat poaching and habitat destruction activities. Not just our rangers, but our support staff across all levels of the organization were critical to ensuring w… Continue reading.