Month: August 2017

Month: August 2017

MEP Operational HQ Office

Mara Elephant Project has almost completed a new operational headquarters office for our key staff members and rangers. In order for MEP to be successful in sustaining our mission over the long term, we will need to expand our partnership network and the new MEP operational office will help us in this objective. The site for the MEP operational headquarters office.  As MEP expands our evidence base we will need to utilize this data in the form of reports that will be developed and presented… Continue reading.

Mara Elephant Project Operates in the Serengeti

One of the key advantages of having access to the Karen Blixen Camp Ree Park Safari helicopter (pictured) is that it has allowed Mara Elephant Project to expand our area of operation into the Serengeti. The Maasai Mara ecosystem is an extension of the vast Serengeti ecosystem and is Kenya’s most important wildlife area and tourism asset. Similar in Tanzania, the Serengeti is on the United Nation’s Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization World Heritage List because of its ann… Continue reading.

WILD App Training by Wilson Sairowua

WILD (Wildlife Information & Landscape Database) is a mobile application designed to improve the collection, sharing management and analysis of biodiversity data in East Africa. This app developed by The PREPARED Project allows organizations working in conservancies, wildlife management areas, national parks and reserves to collect data in the field and share it with one another. Myself and another MEP ranger using the WILD app. Mara Elephant Project has been using the WILD app since its… Continue reading.