Elephanatics is an elephant advocacy organization residing in Vancouver, B.C., Canada with the mission to help the long-term survival of the African and Asian elephants by raising awareness and money for organizations like Mara Elephant Project. On October 4, they hosted the Elephants Like to Have Fun Too Pub Night at Library Public Square House in Vancouver and raised $8,380.95 for MEP in one night!
Dr. Jake Wall who will join MEP in 2019 as the director of research and conservation is the co-founder of Elephanatics along with Fran Duthie. Directors Tessa Vanderkop and Leanne Fogarty have continued their vision to ensure organizations like MEP have been able to count on their support for years through their fundraising initiatives like Pub Night. This money was received in November and will be used immediately for general operations like helicopter flying time, ranger equipment needs and other front-line expenses to protect elephants and conserve the greater Mara ecosystem.
MEP would like to thank Elephanatics whose volunteers were amazing to make this event such a huge success: Carol-Ann, Brian, Lorne, Eva, Chelsey, Linda, Lauren, Stacy, Janice, Susan and Emmalee.They also hosted a silent auction that featured amazing elephant-related items and was sponsored by LUSH Cosmetics Vancouver – West 4th Avenue, Garry Ho, White Spot Restaurants in Grandview Heights, Carol-Ann & Brian Kunimoto, Mehndi & More Body Art, Dave & Tessa Vanderkop, Elephant Garden Creamery, Susan Thomas (sueshues.ca), Twin Sails Brewing, Fran & Lorne Duthie, Library Square Public House, ECM Espresso Coffee Machines Co., FlyOver Canada and Ziptrek Ecotours Inc.
Grassroots efforts like this make a difference to MEP! If you are interested in hosting a fundraiser that benefit Mara Elephant Project, please contact Claire Bolles for more information.