Month: October 2017

Month: October 2017

A Letter From Tracking Manager Wilson Sairowua

MEP rangers have been busy responding to human-elephant conflict in July, re-training rangers on the WILD app in August and deploying new teams to poaching hotspots in September. Rangers viewing Courtney shortly after she was treated in the Musiara area. In July, we established a new ranger base in Isokon Transmara in response to large herds of elephants that have been moving up the escarpment from the protected area though corridors, which are easier to climb. We were chasing elephant… Continue reading.

A Letter From MEP CEO Marc Goss

The third quarter at Mara Elephant Project was a good example of the complexities of our mission and the true difference between the intense human-elephant conflict (HEC) seasons and other times of the year. July was harvest in the Mara and with ripe crops and little to no rain, elephants were extremely tempted to crop raid and our number of HEC responses was greatly increased. Compare that to August and September when the harvest season was over and we didn’t use the Karen Blixen Camp Ree … Continue reading.

MEP’s August and September Monthly Report

August and September for Mara Elephant Project were really productive months. Since it wasn’t harvest season in the Mara we didn’t have as many incidents of human-elephant conflict (HEC), which allowed us to focus on some on-the-ground ranger operations. It also allowed MEP to ground the Karen Blixen Camp Ree Park Safari helicopter thus saving on fuel and hopefully catching up to our already depleted helicopter budget. Additionally, MEP CEO Marc Goss, who pilots the helicopter, was able t… Continue reading.