Month: June 2016

Month: June 2016

MEP Exhibition Project

Student Raises Awareness & Money for MEP

Community engagement and education is a vital part of Mara Elephant Project’s approach to mitigating poaching and human-elephant conflict. We love to be involved in educating the future in not only the Mara region of Africa, but also the United States. We want every child to know at an early age the costs of losing such a keystone species to our world in hopes that they will spread the word and help us save the African elephants. Allisonville Elementary School in Indianapolis, IN is an Inte… Continue reading.
Ranger Training

MEP & Pardamat Conservancy Asset Training

Since 2013 Mara Elephant Project has been supporting the conservation movement in the Aitong Hills, Kenya by being a founding partner of the Pardamat Conservancy. In 2014 MEP gifted the conservancy $20,000 though the Maasai Mara Wildlife Conservancies Association, who were instrumental in registering the conservancy and continue to work with them on a daily basis. World Wildlife Fund supported a total of 21 rangers, 16 from Pardamat and five from Olkenyi, to attend the 3-month basic training … Continue reading.

Meet MEP’s Collared Elephant Lucy

Since April 2015 Mara Elephant Project has had the pleasure of tracking Lucy, an over 20-year-old female African elephant, with support from our partner USAID through their project PREPARED that helps with the collaring and monitoring of Lucy.       Lucy is one of MEP’s most interesting collared elephants to track because she and her herd of 40 plus elephants are living in an area that is changing rapidly, the Nyekweri Forest. This forest is being subdivided for timber and c… Continue reading.