MEP Kenya Trustee Appointed Honorary Warden by Beatrice Karanja

Mara Elephant Project is thrilled to announce that one of our Kenya Trustee’s, Beatrice Karanja, was appointed an Honorary Kenya Wildlife Service Warden for the Southern Region of Kenya.

Beatrice visiting the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust orphanage. 

I was elated, honoured and somewhat intimidated when I got a call from a friend, letting me know that I have been appointed by Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Natural Resources, Prof Judi Wakhungu, as an Honorary Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) Warden for The Southern Region of Kenya.

Under the Kenya Wildlife Conservation and Management Act, honorary wardens like myself are expected to assist and advise the Kenya Wildlife Service on general wildlife and environmental conservation matters in their counties. In order for me to be eligible to be appointed as an honorary warden, I had to demonstrate outstanding commitment and innovativeness in wildlife conservation. At the core of what I want to accomplish with this appointment is to carry the message of conservation to fellow Kenyans, especially to communities living in or near the declared wildlife reserves. It’s important also that I enlist public support for nature and wildlife conservation.


“Kenya’s conservation wins will be defined by the level of participation from its citizens. By enlisting support from its citizens who have genuine concern for wildlife conservation, Kenya has shown conservation leadership and it remains a significant annual event from the Kenyan government.”

Undoubtedly Kenya hosts one of the most spectacular wildlife experiences in the world and our biodiversity is unique and immense. We are home to remarkable natural imagery that is unrivaled, but under serious threat. Space is dwindling and the pressure for access to natural habitats and ecosystem between human and wildlife is on the rise. Infrastructure remains unchecked and the country’s biodiversity is in constant peril. As an honorary warden and also a member of Mara Elephant Project, this is a critical concern that I endeavour to work on with KWS, my fellow honorary wardens and other partners.


“Reversing the alarming trends that we see ravishing our wildlife, flora and fauna that in turn decimate economic livelihoods is the cornerstone of reforming Kenya’s conservation landscape.”


For the next three years, as a honorary warden I plan to wholeheartedly assist Kenya’s wildlife authorities responsible for wildlife conservation work and ensure that our natural heritage and assets are protected and conserved for future generations.