First Responder Kit Critical to MEP Rangers In the Field

A core group of Mara Elephant Project rangers has undergone extensive patrol medic training, and all of the MEP rangers have undergone basic medic training before being deployed. MEP rangers are usually first responders when there has been an incident of human-elephant conflict and someone has been injured. In this case, in April, a herder in the Olkinyei area was out in the morning with his cattle and was trampled by a young elephant that was part of a larger herd.

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The injured herder receiving medical attention.

MEP ranger John LeShan was deployed nearby and received a phone call to alert him to the situation. He arrived with other MEP rangers and, with their help, was able to push the herd away from the injured man, so that John could administer first aid to the critically injured herder.





It took the MEP rapid response team only 15 minutes between the time they arrived on the scene to get the herder to Emigolale Hospital to be treated.



MEP ranger John LeShan administering first aid. 




MEP has set up a new Amazon Wish List filled with all of the essentials to keep MEP rangers safe and comfortable in the field so that they can do their job. One such item is a First Responder Kit that has everything someone in the field needs to administer life-saving first aid for just a little over $100.


MEP ranger John LeShan with the First Responder Kit.




MEP just received our first medical kit donation from Dana Jones, which was fitting since on the same week this kit saved a life. John was thrilled to receive yet another kit for MEP’s rapid response team. Thank you Dana for your generous donation!