Month: January 2017

Month: January 2017

Marc UAV

Mara Elephant Project In The News

There was a study published recently in Oryx called Unmanned aerial vehicles mitigate human–elephant conflict on the borders of Tanzanian Parks: a case study that highlights the curriculum developed and pioneered by Mara Elephant Project’s CEO, board member, Trey Fehsenfeld, and rangers in 2012 using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs or drones) to mitigate human-elephant conflict. The study highlighted the effectiveness of drones on mitigating human-elephant conflict. To reduce conflict bet… Continue reading.

December 2016 MEP Helicopter Report

Thanks to the generosity of a Mara Elephant Project supporter, MEP is able to actively monitor and check in on our 21 GPS-collared elephants on a monthly basis across the ecosystem in our Karen Blixen Camp Ree Park Safari helicopter (read more about aerial monitoring here). December was our first full month of aerial monitoring and already the results have been interesting. Helicopter Report December 2016 During our monitoring flight on December 19 MEP spotted an endangered black rhino and he… Continue reading.